Saturday, January 23, 2010

AIM/MSN/Gmail for all three.

That's right.

ALSO: Important!:

Both of these are amazingly awesomesauce, each in their own way.

“I dreamed of the bicycle, and did not know what the bicycle was. I dreamed of the bicycle and thought… what a strange horse that fish is. Do I kill it or ride it? How do I do either of those?”

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


More, originally uploaded by Katie West!.

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Introductions


I'm Krys.
I watch TV, and play WoW.
I read. I write, sometimes.
I listen to music. I'm listening to this: My MixPod
I screw around on myspace.
I have a Tumblr, that you'll never see. You understand, it's only personal.
I check my e-mail all the time.You can write me something.
I like ASofterWorld and PostSecret.
I do stuff here.

Talk to me. I listen.